New United Nations Report calls on companies to take a “A Human Rights Approach to Platform Content Regulation”
Our Tech+Advocacy Program Manager Dia Kayyali breaks down the Special Rapporteur's newest report to the UN Human Rights Council, a report calling for a "human rights approach to platform content moderation."
June 19, 2018
Fighting impunity for attacks at women’s marches
From Ukraine to Malaysia, demonstrators at International Women's Day marches continue to face attacks without accountability. This is Last Month in Video, March 2018 edition—with updates from the Alton Sterling police shooting, police collusion in Sri Lanka, and border patrol abuse in California.
April 11, 2018
Hope for Justice: 7 years of the Syrian Uprising
WITNESS catches up and reflects with our partners working with activists, lawyers, and investigators to secure justice in Syria, 7 years after the uprising began.
April 3, 2018
You Are Power: The Women and Organizations Who Inspire Us
In honor and in celebration of International Women's Day 2018, WITNESS' regional teams highlight the women and organizations who inspire us.
March 7, 2018
Video As Evidence in the Middle East & North Africa
WITNESS and PILnet answer questions on the past and future of video as evidence, and how their collaboration on the Video As Evidence in the Middle East & North Africa report came about.
February 22, 2018
Last Month In Video: 2017, a year of extremes
Video had a big role to play in 2017. From YouTube takedowns to fake news, police bodycams to a historic ICC arrest warrant, here's our last year in video review.
January 25, 2018
Protect human rights defenders’ identities with the updated YouTube blurring feature
YouTube has released an updated blur feature—in under 4 minutes, you can learn how to use this tool as part of the steps you take to protect identity.
October 31, 2017
Mapping the Dead in Ethiopia
Mapping the Dead is a public database tracking Oromo people killed in Ethiopia by security forces. This is the second post in our Curate for Justice series.
October 30, 2017
Last Month in Video: September 2017
From Rio to Cairo's Mashrou' Leila concert and a Utah nurse's refusal to an unconstitutional blood draw, we review September 2017 in human rights video.
October 10, 2017
Curating citizen media for human rights?
Review these critical questions before designing a platform for curating eyewitness footage of human rights abuses.
September 12, 2017
Last Month in Video: August
When WITNESS was founded in 1992, we wanted to get cameras in people’s hands. This wasn’t an easy task- at the time, cameras weren’t in every household, they weren’t cheap, and it wasn’t instinctive for people to reach for their camera. Now, video is everywhere, and it’s being made by everyone with a cell phone. […]
September 8, 2017
Vital Human Rights Evidence in Syria is Disappearing from YouTube
Thousands of videos showing human rights abuses in Syria, as well as the channels that feature these videos, are being removed by YouTube.
August 30, 2017
Introducing YouTube’s Updated Blurring Feature
Edited to add: Learn how to use this tool in less than 4 minutes with our updated how-to video! From Syria to Charlottesville, it’s not a safe time to be a human rights defender. It’s not a safe time to be associated with the fight for human rights at all. But fighting for human rights […]
August 30, 2017
Keep fighting; keep filming
This month marks three years since Eric Garner was murdered by the NYPD. This month, Black Lives Matter turned four years old. And this month marked four years since a jury of almost all white women acquitted the man who killed Trayvon Martin of second-degree murder. Racism in the United States has been forced out […]
July 25, 2017
Media Activists: WITNESS and Guardian Project Have Your Back
Do you believe that video and technology can support human rights? WITNESS does. We’ve seen first-hand the power of video in supporting and securing human rights. But these days, cameras are everywhere, and so are videos of human rights abuses. This video can be safe, ethical, and effective. But sometimes, documentation gets lost in the […]
July 12, 2017