Deadly, deadlier: Rio favela under fire by joint Police-Army forces
Last week in Brazil, military police joined lethal forces with the Brazilian Army for an operation in the Rio de Janeiro favela of Maré, leaving 7 dead. Residents using mobile phones captured the deadly use of helicopters and over one hundred bullets fired during the attack.
Dalila Mujagic
June 26, 2018
Fighting impunity for attacks at women’s marches
From Ukraine to Malaysia, demonstrators at International Women's Day marches continue to face attacks without accountability. This is Last Month in Video, March 2018 edition—with updates from the Alton Sterling police shooting, police collusion in Sri Lanka, and border patrol abuse in California.
April 11, 2018
Police Violence Against Local Teens is Caught on Camera in Rio de Janeiro
By Victor Ribeiro and Dalila Mujagic. A video containing footage of a brutal police incident went viral amongst social media users in Rio de Janeiro. The footage shows Lapa Presente officers — a unit of military police dedicated to tourist areas and funded by a group of business and economic interests called the Federation of […]
Dalila Mujagic
March 9, 2018
Last Month in Video: Cameras got smarter. Will we?
From Florida teens using video as a powerful advocacy tool, to Pakistan's High Court ruling on network shutdowns, to the supercharged technology behind "smart" cameras and facial recognition: this is Last Month in Video, February 2018 edition.
Dalila Mujagic
March 6, 2018
Last Month In Video: From Rio to Catalonia and beyond
From Facebook's recent algorithm change to eyewitnesses capturing footage of police helicopters shooting into neighborhoods in Rio, and Catalonia's Skype president, here is Last Month in Video, January 2018 edition.
Dalila Mujagic
February 16, 2018
Last Month In Video: 2017, a year of extremes
Video had a big role to play in 2017. From YouTube takedowns to fake news, police bodycams to a historic ICC arrest warrant, here's our last year in video review.
January 25, 2018
The Hunt for Digital Evidence of the Rohingya Genocide
In documenting historical records of destruction or grievous danger to a peoples over time, digital trails are a human rights crusader’s best–sometimes most accurate–source of evidence. And yet at the same time, such data can fall into the wrong hands, putting the lives of the persecuted, and those fighting for their rights, at grave risk. […]
Meghana Bahar
November 29, 2017
Protect human rights defenders’ identities with the updated YouTube blurring feature
YouTube has released an updated blur feature—in under 4 minutes, you can learn how to use this tool as part of the steps you take to protect identity.
October 31, 2017
Last Month in Video: September 2017
From Rio to Cairo's Mashrou' Leila concert and a Utah nurse's refusal to an unconstitutional blood draw, we review September 2017 in human rights video.
October 10, 2017
Video Evidence and the Case for the Rohingya
How eyewitness video and digital evidence verification work together to corroborate violence and destruction in Burma.
Meghana Bahar
October 5, 2017
Keep fighting; keep filming
This month marks three years since Eric Garner was murdered by the NYPD. This month, Black Lives Matter turned four years old. And this month marked four years since a jury of almost all white women acquitted the man who killed Trayvon Martin of second-degree murder. Racism in the United States has been forced out […]
July 25, 2017
Set your phone to ProofMode
Why Proof? You see a wide pink sky and bushes in a relatively nondescript landscape. You hear an explosion in the background. The camera shakes as a man repeats, strangely calm, “Allahu akhbar.” A few seconds later, an explosion rocks the ground in front of the person filming, and the camera falls, sideways, to the […]
April 27, 2017
Military police raids turn Samba Square into a war scene
Complexo de Alemao- Police Pacifying Unit (UPP) and Major Zuma called to answer for illegal invasions in Samba Square at a public hearing on April 24th.
Dalila Mujagic
April 24, 2017
Expose human rights abuses, not the people who survive them
You’d probably never heard of him last week, but his face has gone viral this week. Dr. David Dao, the man who was dragged off of United Airlines flight #3411 on Sunday, was trying to get home to see patients. Instead, he ended up getting violently dragged off of a flight—to provide space for United crewmembers.1 […]
April 12, 2017
Watching Protests in Western Sahara
Online videos document protest tactics by Sahrawi activists and repression by Moroccan authorities.
March 23, 2016