Part 2: How 114 Videos Tell One Story about Forced Evictions in Rio
We share findings of our curation project, bringing over 100 videos together to tell the story of forced evictions in Rio de Janiero.
Priscila Néri
October 9, 2013
Can 114 Videos Tell One Story about Forced Evictions in Rio?
A video curation project brings together over 100 powerful videos to show how forced evictions unfolded across Rio de Janeiro.
Priscila Néri
October 7, 2013
How a Small Brazilian Community Fought Big Powers and Won
After 20 years resisting eviction from their homes-- even as the threat level reached Olympic heights this year-- the Rio community of Vila Autodromo wins a concession from the Mayor. Eviction is off the table. Viva a Vila!
Priscila Néri
August 15, 2013
Key for a Key: Unlocking a Video Advocacy Training in Brazil
What's it like to be in a WITNESS video training? This post brings you inside the classroom in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where two dozen activists are working to save their communities from forced evictions.
Jackie Zammuto
February 16, 2013
Two Years After Forced Eviction, Community Fights for Compensation in Rio de Janeiro
Yesterday marked two years since government bulldozers arrived at the Restinga community in Rio de Janeiro to demolish the homes and small shops belonging to 153 families.
Priscila Néri
December 18, 2012
People Before Profit: New Video on Global Forced Evictions
New video People Before Profit – bringing communities across the world together to tell the global story of forced evictions. WITNESS has supported forced evictions campaigns for more than 10 years. During this time, these projects have amplified the voices of communities across the world. For World Habitat Day we are bringing many of these voices together for the first time to tell another story.
September 27, 2012
The Belo Monte Dam in Brazil: “Development” vs. Indigenous Communities
In every corner of the world, we see unfathomably huge hydroelectric dams that destroy entire ecosystems and indigenous livelihoods. The notorious Three Gorges Dam in China has its rivals on all other continents, from the proposed Grand Inga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the James Bay Project in Canada.
May 23, 2012
NYTimes Reports on Forced Evictions in Rio, But Serious Questions Remain
In December, we brought you a Video the Government of Rio de Janeiro Didn't Want You To See and showed you how our partner activists in Rio were confronting Olympics organizers on the forced evictions of poor communities in Rio ahead of the 2016 Olympics.
Priscila Néri
March 5, 2012
Join the Call: No More Evictions for Rio 2016 Olympics
We’ve joined forces with our local partners in Rio and Amnesty International to call on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to address the complaints of hundreds of poor families that have been (or are at risk of being) forcibly evicted from their homes under the pretext of the XXXI Summer Olympic Games to be held in Rio in 2016.
Priscila Néri
November 15, 2011
Forced Evictions Training in Rio: Social Activism as Samba
Whether it was talking social movement strategy and video action plans or singing samba underneath the stars, an overwhelming energy of solidarity and brotherly and sisterly love pulsed through WITNESS’ video advocacy training in Rio.
August 10, 2011
New Videos: Four Communities on Forced Evictions in Rio
As part of our ongoing campaign on forced evictions in the name of development, I was just in Brazil to meet with our partners and plan our upcoming video advocacy workshop in Rio de Janeiro.
Priscila Néri
June 20, 2011
Dams and Human Rights: Using Video to Resist Evictions
It's International Day of Action Against Dams and, as we kick off our global forced evictions campaign supporting dam-affected communities at risk of eviction in Mexico, this post looks at how video and visual imagery have helped propel campaigns to protect human rights in different dam-resistance struggles around the world.
Priscila Néri
March 14, 2011
Communities in Rio de Janeiro Blame Olympics for Evictions
Communities in the West Zone (Zona Oeste) of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil have been earmarked for eviction and removal by the City Hall in preparation for the 2016 Olympics. Recently, at least two of them, 'Vila Harmonia' and 'Vila Autódromo', have witnessed the presence of tractors, government staff and police.
March 7, 2011
Interview: Brazilian NGO CONAM on Resisting Evictions
Many poor communities in Brazilian cities are at risk of eviction due to the rising demand for space in urban centers and the onslaught of development projects underway in preparation for upcoming megaevents like the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics (read more on how Brazilian civil society is fighting back in this post).
Priscila Néri
March 2, 2011
Mexico Training on Forced Evictions
A quick update from the WITNESS training in Mexico City in association with the Habitat International Coalition (HIC)- Latin America. We've been holed-up for nine days solid in a convent (cheap, good food, peaceful atmosphere, nightly curfew) training a range of human rights defenders either from or working with communities whose rights are being compromised or violated by dam mega-projects.
Sam Gregory
January 31, 2011