- WITNESS Tech Digest: Transparency Reports on Government Interference Internet companies are producing more transparency reports about governments' demands on the companies to hand over users' data and take down their content.
- Brazil’s Urban Occupations Demand Their Government Recognize Housing as a Human Right Activists in Brazil have been occupying land and abandoned buildings for more than 20 years. They use multiple tactics including legal action to try to win legal deeds to land and property and pressing the government to recognize the right to housing for all.
- Kate Doyle: “Archivists Can Be At the Heart of Accountability and Justice” On October 27, the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, I spoke with Kate Doyle, Senior Analyst of U.S. policy in Latin America at the National Security Archive (NSA), about the Guatemala Project, the notion of the activist archivist and how archives can advocate for open societies.