- Call-outs in live streamings Mobil-Eyes Us is a project of WITNESS and the WITNESS Media Lab to explore potential new approaches to livestream storytelling for action. We look at technologies, tactics and storytelling strategies to use live video to connect viewers to frontline experiences of human rights issues they care about, so they become ‘distant witnesses’ who will take […]
- Introduction to Mobil-Eyes Us Mobil-Eyes Us is a project of WITNESS and the WITNESS Media Lab to explore potential new approaches to livestream storytelling for action. We look at technologies, tactics and storytelling strategies to use live video to connect viewers to frontline experiences of human rights issues they care about, so they become ‘distant witnesses’ who will take […]
- 4 tips to have co-present and active audiences in livestreams By Clara Medeiros and Adriano Belisário Livestreams are one of the most engaging types of content on the Internet, and Mobil-Eyes-Us, a WITNESS initiative, builds up this content to help activists engage their audience deliberately so that they become more active, useful and “co-present” when they are needed. We had the chance to observe, test, […]
- Live video, curation, and action at #Rio2016 Olympics With our allies in Rio de Jainero, we're conducting pilot projects using live video, curation and action to highlight human rights violations that took place in the lead-up to and during the Olympic Games.
- Mobil-Eyes Us: Using Live Video and the Power of Networks for Smart Activism How can we use the power of live video to connect people to the causes they care about, & provide immediate & meaningful ways to act by using their skills?