• New Media History and Research on Rights, War, and Memory From researcher and guest blogger Karl Arthur Baumann, currently doing research and interviews here at WITNESS, about his project: The recent events in Iran have proven once again the potency and conscience raising capabilities of current communications technologies, vis a vis Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. But to what extent have they created active responses? The […] WITNESS July 15, 2009
  • New WITNESS Archive Intern My name is Ioannis Papaloizou and I am from Cyprus. My educational background is in film and video production (I obtained my Bachelor’s degree at the School of Visual Arts in New York) and more recently in “Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image” (prof. Master’s degree of the University of Amsterdam). At the university […] WITNESS October 17, 2008
  • October is American Archives Month… 10 things to read/do/think about: 1. Read Archives and Justice: A South African Perspective by Verne Harris. 2. Check out this upcoming NY Archivists Roundtable workshop: Digital Asset Management and Institutional Repositories: Case Studies Addressing the Development and Implementation of Systems. November 10, 2008. One of the presenters is David Rice, Channel 13’s Digital Archivist. […] WITNESS October 8, 2008
  • Archiving cellphone video Earlier this week amateur cellphone video surfaced corroborating that casualties suffered in the August 22 US airstrike on the Afghan village of Azizabad were much higher than the military has been willing to admit. The Times published a piece by Carlotta Gall "Evidence Points to Civilian Toll in Afghan Raid," which also includes a link to some of the video (edited due to graphic content). WITNESS September 12, 2008
  • SAA2008: A few final notes Back from SF, to the office, first day of school, general fall craziness. I want to post just a couple of other notes re SAA before I move on to other topics. The session “Returning Displaced Archives: Legal and Ethical Perspectives” moderated by Trudy Peterson. The panelists, to whom scenarios (hypothetical and actual) were put […] WITNESS September 4, 2008