Hey there –

Many hours layover in Brussels but its given me the chance to hatch a scheme with a former TRC researcher also passing thru to get the final printed report to the President so he will issue the legislative recommendations to his cabinet and from there to Parliament. Step by step!

We got a text message after the press conference from a top foreign dignitary in the country… It said: Well done. Unprecedented commitment from President Kabbah. Lets talk when you can.

Again, your comments are encouraging and inspiring — with the exception of Doug who posted most recently.  As for your remarks Doug, it is sad but true that Angelina’s presence moved some mountains. We are so fortunate to have her as an ally.  And as for hubris, maybe some day you will get to see how we work first-hand, and how much emphasis is placed on empowering local groups to do for themselves rather than grandstanding.  I think life is too short to spend time naysaying…there is so much to be done and we can all play our part.

Speaking of local partners, I keep being stymied with photo uploads. I will be posting pix of some of the guys we are working with in Sierra Leone as well. Maybe they will take a minute to post something from thier perspective!

The other good news is that Angie has promised to go back in June or July this year to help keep things moving forward. I guess this blog is going to stay alive! By the way, she and I talked about concepts for a site she could build to provide information and opportunities for engagement on a range of issues she is passionate about. Let me know what you would want to see there…

11 thoughts on “Airports

  1. Gillian,
    It's great to hear that the blog lives on! Over the past few days, I really felt as though I was along for the ride, and despite the favorable outcome of the journey, I was a bit sad the blog might be coming to an end. It would be great to see more updates as the final printed report is put into the president's hand and passed along all the way to Parliament.
    The idea of creating a site to update the public on Angelina's latest involvement with UNHCR and other organizations could draw a lot of positive attention to important issues. For those who are aware of her role as UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and the many trips she has taken with the refugee agency in the past, it would be nice to hear more about recent and upcoming trips she is planning to take with UNHCR and other organizations. Stating the motivations and ambitions of both Angelina and the organizations would be a great way to communicate the importance of the role they play in current issues around the globe. Also, it would be nice to hear more about Angelina's trips to Capitol Hill and her work in the U.S. with granting asylum seekers the right to an attorney. I also think it would be a great idea if the website included ways for the public to become more involved in some of these issues so that more focus and support is shed on the efforts of the organizations that Angelina supports.
    Thanks for keeping us all updated!

  2. I stumbled upon this site through the main WITNESS website and it's fantastic; I love the idea of creating a blog to update people on what's going on where you are, raw and without censure.
    Because of the distance between us, I can only wish you guys the best of luck in your urgings. Even as an "unknown" in the general public's eyes, Gillian, you are doing much to make a difference in the lives of many, and are certainly a shining light for those you are fighting for and those who know of your dedication. As for Angelina Jolie, your intensity, modesty, and compassion in all things will always be a source of motivation for me. People like you guys remind me that I, simply, can.
    I'm going to Mexico tomorrow to help a group of unfortunate kids and Thailand in the summer to do the same, and I only hope to do half as much as you guys have already done.
    Peace, love, and respect.

  3. Gillian,
    I'm normally not a blogger, but I couldn't resist the urge to respond. As a professor/psychologist part of my work focuses on how individual traits and transformation impacts the lives of others. It goes without saying that your life has made an incredible impact on your immediate and world community. I think that may be why "Doug's post" pissed me off so and pulled me out of my silent observation to give you a shout out. Go girl! I wish I could say I have been following Witness, but my research team came across this as it is tied to Ms. Jolie's refugee work (talk about personal transformation impacting others).
    (So Douggie…your comment about hubris and Witness tagging along after an attractive celebrity…well, mamma always said, pretty is as pretty does. And these two women have just had a part in transforming a country. So what did you do today Douggie?)
    Again, thank you Gillian. I look forward to connecting my students to your website.

  4. Gillian,
    Please do not underestimate the power of the net and the blog as a communication tool. The strength of many voices coming together for an attainable goal. You (and those of us who are with you in spirit and in action) are promoting Peace, which is the cessation of againstness. We are all moving in that direction. One day, you will look back with a sense of pride (the good kind) and wonder at what we as a creative people of the world can do.
    I stand with you…
    Please keep blogging, you are providing a valuable service to those of us who can support you. What goes around, comes around.

  5. Hello G and friends!
    Congrats on an extraordinary job well done. I'm sure everyone on the ground with you, and behind the scenes at Witness, is filled with energy and enthusiam. It's so wonderful that your passion and hard work has been rewarded with such promise. That kind of success allows us all to imagine a world where leaders listen to the people and make changes that are in the best interest of us all.
    All the best,
    Venice, Californa

  6. Dear Gillian
    I've been following your journey, trying to get more information and like I've expressed before I can't stop looking at this site, news sites, etc. Wondering all the things that can be done, what can bring more awareness to this issue. Maybe faxes, letters, etc. Have people pay more attention! I'm glad that Ms. Jolie has promised to go back and follow-up and make sure the ball doesn't get dropped. I also like that the blog will stay alive & the idea of the site is great. As I read more, there are so many issues that need attention. But I guess it's better to accomplish them one at a time.
    Once again, Thanks!

  7. Im glad to hear this blog will stay alive!
    Congratulations on your success!
    What great work the three of you are doing. All of you are truly amazing.
    Have a safe trip home!

  8. I'm happy to hear this blog will continue. Thank you for the updates and your wonderful work. Your and Angelina's ambition and drive is amazing and inspiring.
    It would be really great for Angelina to have a website to keep us current of what she is focusing her efforts on. I have learnt so much just from being a fan. There is so much to know about the world and a website would be a really great forum for these important issues.
    Good luck and thank you again 🙂
    Vancouver, Canada

  9. I'm also glad (really glad:) that Angelina JOlie is thinking of "bringing up" a site:), and that she's is going back to Sierra Leone …
    …and that this blog will continue…
    The WEB is this powerfull "thing" that manages to keep people "in tune", even if far away, almost as an instant act…
    I have to say that I came this way by following Angelina:) that is really, as you said Gillian, one of the biggest roles she can play… my thanks to her»'.'«
    as the blog will go on…I'll be waiting for the VIDEO:))
    gab, Portugal

  10. Dear Gillian,
    I am glad to hear this blog will stay alive. 🙂
    I think it would be a good idea to build a site with issues Angie is passionate about. I would like to see an overview of these issues and the organizations and projects she supports, why she supports them and why she thinks their work is important. It would be nice if there also were links to the websites of these organizations and other websites that have more detailed info on the issues for those who would like to gain an in-depth knowledge about them. The small organizations she supports would also benefit from this because it would be good publicity for their websites. (OK, I must admit I am a little selfish here as I am the webmaster of Cambodian Vision in Development's website.)
    Keep up the great work!
    Copenhagen, Denmark

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