In the past week, the deluge of citizen videos from Egypt has underscored the need for curation and verification in a time when activists, political parties, and government agencies are using video to document human rights abuse– as well as to promote a message and to confuse online viewers. Here are highlights from recently featured videos on the channel:
Video activists in Egypt are documenting the ongoing violence throughout the country. They have brought to light graphic images of those killed at a Muslim Brotherhood rally on August 14, the torching of a government building in Giza a few days later, and the use of live fire against protesters in Islaimia. Watch the playlist below for the latest in citizen video coming out of Egypt.
Peaceful protests in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia have been a daily reality all summer long. The video below shows protesters outside of the parliament building, where MPs voted for a boost in government spending.
South Africa
In South Africa, miners marked the one-year anniversary of the Marikana massacre, when 34 miners were killed by security forces during a strike for higher wages. Watch miners’ rally in the video below, and see more videos from the incident last year in our in-depth playlist.
Inmates set fire to an Indonesian jail after a nigh-long riot, leading to the escape of several prisoners and drawing attention to conditions at the facility, which now houses nearly three times its capacity.
The most recent citizen videos of human rights issues can always be found on our Citizen Watch and Watching Syria video playlists. Both are updated daily. Catch the latest citizen videos by following the Human Rights Channel on Twitter (@ythumanrights). If you’d like to be added to this weekly reporters email, send a request to madeleine [at] witness [dot] org.