[UPDATE, DECEMBER 10th] In just a few hours, we’ve already received responses from activists in more than 20 countries and contributions continue to pour in on Twitter and Facebook! THANK YOU – we’re humbled by your courage and grateful for your participation! We’ll keep updating this playlist throughout the week with your images of hope:
Ten years ago, when the UDHR turned 60, we invited you to share images that had opened your eyes to human rights. Responses poured in from around the world, each one a deeply moving testament to the power of images to mobilize, expose, catalyze change.
Fast forward to 2018, and the seemingly never-ending bombardment of Trump/Orban/Bolsonaro/Duterte news has left many of us human rights defenders T-I-R-E-D, dizzy, exhausted, exasperated really. Empty coffee cups decorate our desks, news notifications ping relentlessly on our phones, reports and new playbooks try to help us make sense of these times, and our walls generously allow themselves to be covered in post-it-notes as we restrategize yet… again…
If this feels familiar, stay with us! The UDHR is turning 70 on December 10th and we’d like to celebrate by changing the conversation. To hope. To celebrate by inspiring each other. So we ask: in these times, what image gives you hope for human rights?
For me, it’s this one (I tried to explain it in this video).

So join us, won’t you? Tell us about your image – the one you go to when you need to rekindle your faith in humanity, the one you look back at when you’ve had a hard day in the fight for human rights. Record a video describing it and tag us on December 10th (scroll down for how to tag us). We’ll be featuring your responses and inviting the world to reflect on which images we choose to focus on, and the true revolutionary power and promise of hope.
#UDHR70 #Video4Change
Here’s how to join the conversation from your corner of the world:
- AFRICA > tweet us @WITNESS_Africa
- ASIA-PACIFIC > comment @WITNESSAsia or tweet us @WITNESS_Asia
- LATIN AMERICA > for Portuguese, comment @WITNESSBrasil or tweet us @WITNESSBrasil >> for Spanish, tweet us @WITNESS_es or comment @WITNESSEspanol
- NORTH AMERICA > comment @WITNESS or tweet us @WITNESSorg (or send us an Insta-story @WITNESS_org)
Because hope, in these times, can be the most powerful act of resistance!