Can 114 Videos Tell One Story about Forced Evictions in Rio?
A video curation project brings together over 100 powerful videos to show how forced evictions unfolded across Rio de Janeiro.
Priscila Néri
October 7, 2013
Evict Them! In 5 Easy Steps
A new animated video aims to make the human rights issues inherent in forced evictions more accessible.
October 4, 2013
UN Experts Demand Stop to Forced Evictions in India
Eight UN experts called for an immediate halt to the construction of a large steel plant in Eastern India which will forcibly evict as many as 22,000 people.
October 1, 2013
How a Small Brazilian Community Fought Big Powers and Won
After 20 years resisting eviction from their homes-- even as the threat level reached Olympic heights this year-- the Rio community of Vila Autodromo wins a concession from the Mayor. Eviction is off the table. Viva a Vila!
Priscila Néri
August 15, 2013
As Protests Rock Brazil One Year Before World Cup, a “People’s Cup” Celebrates Resistance to Forced Evictions
Massive protests across Brazil started at frustration at cost of living hikes by the government but also include anger at forced evictions taking place in the lead up to the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics.
June 19, 2013
As Brazil Marks One-Year Countdown to 2014 World Cup, Thousands Cope with Forced Evictions
Thousands of Brazil’s residents struggle to rebuild their lives after being forcibly removed from their homes to prepare for the multi-billion dollar sports event.
June 12, 2013
Key for a Key: Unlocking a Video Advocacy Training in Brazil
What's it like to be in a WITNESS video training? This post brings you inside the classroom in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where two dozen activists are working to save their communities from forced evictions.
Jackie Zammuto
February 16, 2013
Land rights violations in India meet continued resistance
In the dark hours of the night, police forcefully entered two Indian villages, in the name of "development". 6 people were seriously injured; 50 were arbitrarily detained; and 1 was arrested. Here's what we can do.
February 8, 2013
Two Years After Forced Eviction, Community Fights for Compensation in Rio de Janeiro
Yesterday marked two years since government bulldozers arrived at the Restinga community in Rio de Janeiro to demolish the homes and small shops belonging to 153 families.
Priscila Néri
December 18, 2012
Mexico: Peoples’ Tribunal Confirms “Gross Violations” in Dam Projects
Communities harmed by dam projects in Mexico won an important victory. A panel of international experts serving as judges for the Mexico chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT) recognized a pattern of "gross and systematic human rights violations" in the construction of dams throughout Mexico over the past 40 years. More than 185,000 people have been forcibly evicted.
Priscila Néri
November 9, 2012
Forced Evictions Activist To Be Honored by U.S. Secretary of State Clinton
The Global Leadership Awards honor and celebrate women leaders around the world who are the unsung heroines working to strengthen democracy, increase economic opportunity, and protect human rights. The awards were established by the organization Vital Voices Global Partnership, which Secretary Clinton co-founded in 1997. Tep Vanny joins a very distinguished group of internationally recognized women. The award ceremony will take place in April 2013 in Washington, D.C.
November 5, 2012
Dam-Affected Communities in Mexico Take Government to Peoples’ Tribunal
On November 5-6, many of our local partners fighting forced evictions in Mexico will travel to the small town of Temacapulín, in Jalisco state, to tell their stories to an international panel of judges representing the Mexico chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT).
Priscila Néri
November 2, 2012
Major Victory for Activists Fighting the La Parota Dam in Mexico
After nearly 10 years of campaigning to save their homes and lands, our partners from the CECOP network in Mexico are celebrating a significant victory on the path to the definitive cancellation of the La Parota dam project. If built, the dam would forcibly evict at least 25,000 campesinos and small farmers from their lands and negatively impact an additional 75,000 people due to environmental changes downstream and throughout the region.
Priscila Néri
October 4, 2012
The Venerable Luon Sovath Wins Prestigious Martin Ennals Award
I am incredibly honored to announce that the Venerable Luon Sovath from Cambodia has just been presented the Martin Ennals Award - an award given by 10 major human rights organizations to recognize those working at great risk for human rights.
October 2, 2012
People Before Profit: New Video on Global Forced Evictions
New video People Before Profit – bringing communities across the world together to tell the global story of forced evictions. WITNESS has supported forced evictions campaigns for more than 10 years. During this time, these projects have amplified the voices of communities across the world. For World Habitat Day we are bringing many of these voices together for the first time to tell another story.
September 27, 2012