An Interview with Pamela Yates About the Impact of “Granito”
Part of a series featuring the 2014 BritDoc Impact Award winners, we interview Pamela Yates about Granito which investigates how archival footage was used as evidence to bring an indictment against a former Guatemalan dictator.
December 4, 2014
List of Free or Low-cost Tools and Resources for Video Activists
This list of free or low-cost tools and resources for video activists is curated from participants who joined our Live Video Archive #AskMeAnything event on our Facebook page.
August 14, 2014
WITNESS Archiving Guide Receives Award from Society of American Archivists
The Activists' Guide to Archiving Video wins the Preservation Publication Award from the Society of American Archivists.
Yvonne Ng
August 7, 2014
Everything Needs to Change, So Everything Can Stay the Same: Challenges to Keeping Online Video Accessible
Keeping a website online and continuously accessible to the public, whether its a human rights archive or a piece of art, is not merely a question of keeping the power switch on. Our senior archivist discusses some ways to prepare for the inevitable challenge of tech obsolescence.
Yvonne Ng
June 5, 2014
On #Rwanda20YRS Anniversary, Genocide Survivors Tell Their Own Stories
Originally published on the WITNESS Hub blog in 2009 this interview with Voices of Rwanda founder Taylor Krauss speaks to the power of personal testimony and the importance of memory and archives.
April 7, 2014
Human Rights Tech and the 10-year Anniversary of Martus!
Program Director Sam Gregory discusses human rights tech, InformaCam and the 10 year anniversary of human rights documentation tool, Martus.
November 26, 2013
Why Time is Running Out For Your Videotapes
How can individuals and organizations with limited resources deal with preserving all the videos recorded on tapes years ago?
Yvonne Ng
October 30, 2013
Sending Videos Safely through the Wild, Wild, Web
From YouTube to FTP, and Dropbox to Google Drive, online services have very different ways of transferring files. Which ones are safest for your videos?
Yvonne Ng
May 9, 2013
Self-Preservation through Personal Digital Archiving
‘Personal digital archiving’ is a movement that helps individuals take control of their digital files. A WITNESS Archivist shares her insights from a national conference, outlining gaps and solutions for human rights defenders.
February 27, 2013
Securing Archives in Insecure Situations: Lessons from Mali
“Centuries of Invaluable Manuscripts Lost to Extremists” could have been the headline. But it wasn’t, because Timbuktu archivists made plans to preserve them. Keeping digital archives can be easier, but no less critical. Here’s what you can do.
Yvonne Ng
February 15, 2013
How To Make a Trustworthy Video
Video activists risk everything to film human rights violations. But unverified footage can't stand in newsrooms or courtrooms, so their efforts may be in vain. How can activists prevent that? Archivist Yvonne Ng explains a few simple steps they can take.
Yvonne Ng
January 30, 2013
Oral History as Storytelling: Sharing the Fabric of American Life
WITNESS and StoryCorps both recognize the value of personal stories in tackling larger issues. People are at the heart of each organization, anchoring the abstract in the human experience.
August 9, 2012
Behind-the-Scenes of Our 20th Anniversary Video
The challenge: Make a video that encapsulates WITNESS and its work empowering human rights defenders to use video since 1992, set against a backdrop of global events from the last 20 years.
Yvonne Ng
June 22, 2012
Join WITNESS For An Online Dialogue On Archiving Human Rights
I'm excited to announce that starting today (May 16) through May 22 my fellow archivist Yvonne Ng and I will be co-hosting an online dialogue hosted by New Tactics in Human Rights titled Archiving Human Rights for Advocacy, Justice and Memory.
May 16, 2012
أفضل الممارسات : ١٠ نصائح لإجراء المقابلات
هذه المدونة هي الأولى في سلسلة من المدونات في اللغة العربية تهدف إلى تبادل ما لدينا من المواد التدريبية مع الجمهور المتحدث باللغة العربية - انظر إلى المدونة الأساسية فيأفضل ممارسات الفيديو من أجل التغيير ، موجود أيضا في اللغة الإنجليزية. يرجى توزيع الممارسات مع الشبكات الخاصة بك و يرجى مساعدتكم على تطويرها من خلال ترك تعليقاتك في هذه المدونة أو بطريقة ارسال لنا عن طريق التويتر إلى:٠
Raja Althaibani
April 7, 2012