- Arsip yang Bernilai: Read the English version here. Blog ini menandai peluncuran kampanye global WITNESS “#ArchiveLife: Melestarikan Memori Kolektif melalui Pengarsipan Video”. WITNESS meluncurkan Panduan Aktivis untuk Pengarsipan Video yang memenangkan penghargaan pada bulan Juli 2013, hampir 11 tahun yang lalu. Sejak itu, kami telah mendukung dan belajar dari jaringan di seluruh dunia dalam proyek pengarsipan video. Hal […]
- တန်ဖိုးအနဂ္ဂ ထိုက်တန်သော အခန်းများ Read the English version here WITNESS ၏ “#ArchiveLife – ဗီဒီယိုရုပ်သံမော်ကွန်းမှတ်တမ်းတင်ခြင်းမှတဆင့် လူ့အဖွဲ့အစည်း၏ သမိုင်းဖြစ်စဉ် အမှတ်ရမှုများကို ထိန်းသိမ်းစောင့်ရှောက်ခြင်း” ကမ္ဘာလုံးဆိုင်ရာလှုပ်ရှားမှုအစီအစဉ် စတင်ခြင်းကို အထိမ်းအမှတ်ပြု၍ ဤဘလော့ဂ်ဆောင်းပါးကို ရေးသားတင်ပြပါသည်။ လွန်ခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၁ နှစ်နီးပါးကာလဖြစ်တဲ့ ၂၀၁၃ ခုနှစ် ဇူလိုင်လမှာ WITNESS က “တက်ကြွလှုပ်ရှားသူများအတွက် ဗီဒီယိုရုပ်သံမော်ကွန်းမှတ်တမ်းတင်ခြင်း လမ်းညွှန်” ကို ထုတ်ဝေဖြန့်ချိခဲ့ပြီးတော့ ဂုဏ်ပြုဆုချီးမြှင့် ခံခဲ့ရပါတယ်။ ထိုအချိန်ကတည်းက စပြီးတော့ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ဟာ ဗီဒီယိုရုပ်သံမော်ကွန်းတင်ခြင်းဆိုင်ရာ လှုပ်ရှားမှုအစီအစဉ် များအတွက် ကမ္ဘာတဝှမ်းက မိတ်ဖက်များကို ပံ့ပိုးပေးခြင်းနှင့် သူတို့ထံကနေ လေ့လာသင်ယူခြင်းများကို ဆောင်ရွက်ခဲ့ပါတယ်။ အဲ့ဒီထဲမှာ Berkeley Copwatch နှင့် ပူးပေါင်းဆောင်ရွက်ခဲ့တဲ့ ရဲတပ်ဖွဲ့၏ တာဝန်ယူတာဝန်ခံမှုဆိုင်ရာ ပြည်သူ့အချက်အလက် မှတ်တမ်းဘဏ်၊ El […]
- Cataloging Tools for Human Rights Video Archiving Written by Ines Aisengart Menezes and Yvonne Ng At WITNESS, one common question we hear from partners and community-based human rights video practitioners that we support on archiving is “What database tool should I use to manage my videos?”. It’s a tricky question, because there isn’t one single correct answer. Usually, our reply is, “It […]
- Vaults Full of Values This blog post marks the official launch of WITNESS’s global campaign “#ArchiveLife: Preserving Collective Memory through Video Archiving”. WITNESS launched its award-winning Activists’ Guide to Archiving Video in July 2013, almost 11 years ago. Since then, we have supported and learned from partners from around the world on video archiving projects. These include, the People’s […]
- How To Batch Export Videos from Telegram Updated October 2023 Telegram is a key platform for sharing audiovisual media that document human rights abuses – whether it is captured by officials, bystanders, journalists, activists, or perpetrators and their supporters. For example, it has been widely used by news outlets and officials in Ukraine to share information, by activists in Hong Kong to […]
- Downloading Livestreams and Other Videos from Social Media If you’re looking for how to film a livestream yourself, go here. Viewers around the world are witnessing in real-time as hundreds of thousands of people in Myanmar take to the streets to oppose the 2021 military coup. Activists’ and ordinary people’s livestreams on Facebook and other platforms are capturing mass protests, arrests, and violence […]
- Truth, lies and social media accountability in 2021 In 2021, critical issues at the intersection of social media, accountability, and human rights are finally at the center of global public discussion. It took the attempted insurrection at the US Capitol to lead to social media platforms finally suspending former President Donald Trump’s accounts and forcing a discussion about online content, hate and violence. […]
- Archivists’ Victory over Overbroad Copyright Claim A joint statement from Human Rights Watch, Mnemonic, and WITNESS, with lead authoring by Deborah Brown, Senior Researcher and Advocate on Digital Rights, and Gabriela Ivens, Head of Open Source Research, at Human Rights Watch. November 25, 2020 A decision by GitHub, a leading software development platform, to reinstate a popular free software tool for downloading videos, […]
- Tweet Chat: Archiving For Human Rights For Archives Month 2020, WITNESS Africa hosted a Twitter chat on archiving for the promotion and protection of human rights. In the chat, pertinent questions regarding the importance, practicalities and challenges to human rights archiving were put to Ayanda K of VIDERE and Yvonne Ng of WITNESS. Here is a recap of the chat on […]
- The Adobe Content Authenticity Initiative approach to authenticity infrastructure against media manipulation Launch of the Content Authenticity Initiative White Paper Today the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) spearheaded by Adobe, Twitter and the New York Times publishes its White Paper. WITNESS is a co-author on the paper and has been part of the Working Group developing the standards alongside other groups including TruePic, Microsoft, the BBC, CBC and […]
- Last Month in Video: August When WITNESS was founded in 1992, we wanted to get cameras in people’s hands. This wasn’t an easy task- at the time, cameras weren’t in every household, they weren’t cheap, and it wasn’t instinctive for people to reach for their camera. Now, video is everywhere, and it’s being made by everyone with a cell phone. […]
- Recording Resistance We interviewed British filmmaker Max Stahl about his role in documenting and preserving footage of the Santa Cruz Massacre, and how his visual account helped propel Timor-Leste back into the world spotlight.
- Digitizing WITNESS Videotapes Through a Community Partnership Digitizing videotape collections can be a lot of work, but it can be made more manageable by selecting and prioritizing, doing what you can in-house, and collaborating and sharing resources within a community.
- Ethical Wednesdays: Archives and Our Ethical Guidelines for Using Eyewitness Videos As archives start to collect, provide access to, and present social media collections, many ethical issues arise that need to be addressed.
- Do We Need a Dedicated Repository for Human Rights Media? A dedicated online video-sharing site or database could show the breadth and scale of human rights violations worldwide, and enable coordinated action.