- How To Batch Export Videos from Telegram Updated October 2023 Telegram is a key platform for sharing audiovisual media that document human rights abuses – whether it is captured by officials, bystanders, journalists, activists, or perpetrators and their supporters. For example, it has been widely used by news outlets and officials in Ukraine to share information, by activists in Hong Kong to […]
- Menyiapkan Ponsel untuk Dokumentasi Luring Also available in Arabic, Spanish and English. Oleh Yvonne Ng Dengan kontribusi dari Arul Prakkash Artikel ini adalah bagian dari Seri Pendokumentasian Selama Pemadaman Internet Terakhir diulas: 31 Januari 2020 Embed from Getty Images Meskipun terjadi pemadaman internet, para dokumenter masih bisa mengambil bukti video penting yang dapat dibagikan secara luring (offline) atau saat mereka bisa kembali […]
- Cara Pendokumentasian Selama Pemadaman Internet Also available in Burmese (pdf), Arabic, Spanish and English. Oleh Yvonne Ng Dengan kontribusi dari Arul Prakkash Terakhir diulas: 31 Januari 2020 Pada bulan Juni 2019, saat pelanggaran HAM dan krisis kemanusiaan terus berlangsung di Myanmar, Menteri Perhubungan dan Komunikasi negara tersebut memerintahkan perusahaan telekomunikasi untuk memadamkan layanan internet seluler di wilayah Rakhine dan tetangganya Chin. Pemerintah Myanmar mengklaim […]
- 4 new resources to help activists use video during COVID19 Filming and sharing documentation for human rights can expose injustices, put a spotlight on stories rarely heard, and create movements that hold perpetrators and decision-makers accountable. But if advocating for accountability is dangerous on a normal day, even more so during a global pandemic. This is why the WITNESS team is devoted to working with […]
- The Right to Record for human rights during COVID-19 When WITNESS says the Right to Record, we are referring to the ability to pick up a camera or cell phone and film the police or military without retaliation. We are also talking about the initiative, commitment, attitude, and courage that it takes to exercise that right, and the organizing communities do to make this […]
- How to Burn Subtitles into Your YouTube Videos What Does “Burning In” Subtitles Mean? There are basically two ways to display subtitles in your videos. One method is to use a separate text file (e.g. a SRT file) that “plays” along with your video. This “soft subtitle” method is what allows users to turn subtitles on/off, or choose from multiple subtitles for the […]
- Collaborating with Filmmakers for Human Rights We have been working with filmmakers, editors, and activists for over 25 years. Here are some helpful guidelines for you when filming a video advocacy project for human rights.
- How to Back Up WhatsApp By Yvonne Ng and Gabi Ivens Published on: 25 January 2019 The messaging platform WhatsApp has 1.5 billion users worldwide and is increasingly being used as a tool to organize, mobilize, as well as to share important human rights content. This tutorial, put together by WITNESS, helps you decide whether you should use WhatsApp’s built-in […]
- How to export content from WhatsApp By Yvonne Ng and Gabi Ivens Published on: 18 December 2018 The messaging platform WhatsApp has 1.5 billion users worldwide and is increasingly being used as a tool to organize, mobilize, as well as to share important human rights content. This tutorial, put together by WITNESS, walks you through how to download and export your […]
- Introducing YouTube’s Updated Blurring Feature Edited to add: Learn how to use this tool in less than 4 minutes with our updated how-to video! From Syria to Charlottesville, it’s not a safe time to be a human rights defender. It’s not a safe time to be associated with the fight for human rights at all. But fighting for human rights […]
- Set your phone to ProofMode Why Proof? You see a wide pink sky and bushes in a relatively nondescript landscape. You hear an explosion in the background. The camera shakes as a man repeats, strangely calm, “Allahu akhbar.” A few seconds later, an explosion rocks the ground in front of the person filming, and the camera falls, sideways, to the […]
- Four Ways to Save Live Video Broadcasts You shouldn't necessarily rely on the platforms and apps you are using to live stream to save your content, whether you're broadcasting from Facebook or Periscope. We share tips for alternative saving methods.
- How-to: Controlling Depth of Field with DSLR Cameras (Video) DSLR cameras are increasingly popular amongst activists. In our new video we cover the basics of depth of field on DSLRs when filming for human rights.
- Video as Evidence: Basic Practices Basic Practices is the newest section in our Video as Evidence Field Guide. This chapter provides principles and guidelines for individuals interested in using video for human rights documentation. The chapter covers getting ready to film, filming, safeguarding your footage and sharing your video.
- Filming Resources for Protests Honoring Missing Students of Ayotzinapa With additional marches for the missing students of Ayotzinapa scheduled for December 1 (#1dicMx), it's more important than ever to document these events with video and photos. Use these resources to prepare for today's protest and those to follow.