أفضل ممارسات الفيديو من أجل التغيير
.هذه هي التدوينة الأولى من سلسلة تدويناتنا التي تعرض أفضل ممارسات الفيديو من أجل التغيير
Raja Althaibani
April 3, 2012
Introducing InformaCam, The Next Release of the SecureSmartCam Project
Recently my colleague at The Guardian Project, Harlo Holmes wrote about the InformCam, the latest release from the joint collaboration between The Guardian Project and WITNESS, the SecureSmartCamera (SSC). This is an important development in the project as it incorporates all of the key themes in the WITNESS Leadership Initiative.
February 13, 2012
At Great Risk, Syrians Document Testimonies and Human Rights Abuse with Video
Since international media have been barred from entering Syria since mid 2011, news reports have relied heavily on activists in country who daily risk their own safety to film and share video and speak with reporters.
Matisse Bustos Hawkes
February 9, 2012
Video Advocacy Example: Civic Media How To’s
On Sunday December 11, 2011 The New York Times published an extensive article illustrating the role of livestream technologies in the Occupy Wall Street movement. The following day, seventeen mediamakers, including members of the Global Revolution livestream team were arrested.
January 26, 2012
١٠ نصائح لتصوير المظاهرات والإعتقالات والإشتباكات
هذه المدونة هي الأولى في سلسلة من المدونات في اللغة العربية تهدف إلى تبادل ما لدينا من المواد التدريبية مع الجمهور المتحدث باللغة العربية (انظر إلى المدونة الأساسية في أهم ١٠ نصائح في التصوير و الذي كتبه زميلي كريس مايكل).ل
Raja Althaibani
December 28, 2011
Rethinking the Mobile Workflow for Human Rights Video
By Nathan Freitas and Bryan Nunez Unfolding Approaches for Mobile Protest Coverage Activists all over the world have turned to mobile phones to organize, coordinate and document their struggle. Images and videos shot on mobile phones have been the standard for what revolution looks like in the public imagination. We have seen iconic moments, captured […]
December 22, 2011
New Twitter Settings Activists Need To Be Aware Of
Recently, I logged into my Twitter.com account. Twitter users know, this is not a frequent occurrence because most of us use third-party applications like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck or any of the mobile apps. But it is a necessity, especially as an activist, in order to help keep the information on your account safe and secure.
December 12, 2011
Occupy Wall Street: A Day of Global (Video) Action, Nov. 17, 2011
If you are like many WITNESS staff, you are tuned into the events of today's global actions in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Despite the recent events in New York City, Oakland, CA, and other cities where "permanent" encampments were cleared away, protesters around the U.S. and the world are back in city centers protesting today.
Matisse Bustos Hawkes
November 17, 2011
Top 10 Tips for Filming #Occupy Protests, Arrests & Police Conduct
We have seen some great videos coming out from the Occupy movement around the country - from documenting mass actions to capturing police misconduct and abuse. Many courageous filmmakers, first timers and experienced professionals, are using best practices to record what is happening, and it is paying off. See this most recent example of video being used to help hold a Dallas officer accountable for shoving a protester off a ledge:
November 14, 2011
What Do You Want to Learn from Video Activists in the Middle East and North Africa?
For most of us, the epicenter of video for change work that we’ve seen throughout 2011 has been in the Middle East and North African region (MENA). The Arab Spring has illuminated the reality of what “Cameras Everywhere” looks like, and what the power of instant video capturing and sharing can yield to inform and mobilize for truly incredible social change.
October 19, 2011
Video Advocacy Example: ‘Yo Me Declaro’ Campaign for Human Rights Defenders
In the human rights world we often talk about HRDs or 'human rights defenders' - but this is more than just an an acronym or a piece of jargon. Human rights defenders of every type play a key role in protecting, promoting and upholding the human rights of all of us. And they're not just the people who work in NGOs like WITNESS or our partners.
Sam Gregory
July 28, 2011
The Secure Smart Camera App for Human Rights Video
Earlier this year we announced our “Cameras Everywhere” initiative which hopes to address some of the changes happening around human rights video online and on mobile phones. The tools for creating and distributing video are becoming more wide spread and more accessible.
March 9, 2011
Cameras Everywhere: Our New Leadership Initiative
Here at WITNESS we're in the midst of exciting development on all our new programmatic initiatives. One of these is our 'Cameras Everywhere' Leadership initiative, which we'd like to introduce in this blog.
Sam Gregory
January 19, 2011
The Ethical Engagements of Human Rights Social Media
The explosion of digital media on human rights pushes us all to rethink how documentary film ethics apply in a more networked, social media-driven era.
Sam Gregory
November 22, 2010
Protecting yourself, your subjects and your human rights videos on YouTube
Last week we started a blog series with YouTube, highlighting the role that online video is playing in human rights advocacy. And though activists around the world have shown how powerful YouTube can be as a tool to raise awareness of human rights violations, this kind of work opens up new risks, online and offline.
June 21, 2010