- #6D – Documenting Elections in Venezuela Venezuela will hold its parliamentary elections on December 6th and there is a high possibility of violence in and around the polling areas. Here are some basic tips for capturing and sharing footage of violations.
- This Week on The Human Rights Channel – Afghanistan, Bahrain and Venezuela This week we look at protests videos from Afghanistan, Bahrain and Venezuela covering issues ranging from female representation to government accountability. We also feature eyewitness testimony from the Ukraine, as bombing victims recount their experiences.
- Music Monday – #SOSVenezuela Edition This week we are featuring #SOSVenezuela Concerts - a collective of classical and jazz musicians hosting concerts to raise awareness about human rights abuses in Venezuela.
- !Bienvenid@s a Video para el Cambio América Latina y el Caribe! Herramientas y materiales para video activistas que se encuentren en riesgo o en situaciones que requieran una respuesta inmediata.
- The Growing Role of Image Verification in Venezuela’s Protests A new mobile app addresses the challenge of verifying citizen footage. Plus, a politician brings citizen video of abuse to the Organization of American States.
- Human Rights Video Weekly: Venezuela & The Verification Challenge Just as citizen reporting and social media can illuminate human rights abuse, they can also facilitate the spread of misinformation, as we're seeing in videos circulated from Venezuela's protests recently.
- Video Exposes Police Abuse in Venezuela (Or is it Mexico? Or Colombia?) One video's journey across Latin American protest movements underscores the challenge of monitoring activism online.
- Human Rights Video Weekly: Video Testimonies from North Korea, Bloggers Arrested in Vietnam Citizen footage quickly became one weapon in the political crossfire in Venezuela. In addition to the protests in Venezuela, we've got our eyes on Kiev, Sudan, Vietnam, and much more.
- Video Interview: How To Resist Forced Evictions in Venezuela In this interview (one more from our World Social Forum 2011 series from Dakar), Elizabeth Santos of the Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos y Movimientos Sociales de Caracas (Network of Tenants and Social Movements in Metropolitan Caracas) talks about the different tactics allied networks have used to resist and fight forced evictions in Caracas, Venezuela.