Hope for Justice: 7 years of the Syrian Uprising
WITNESS catches up and reflects with our partners working with activists, lawyers, and investigators to secure justice in Syria, 7 years after the uprising began.
April 3, 2018
Video As Evidence in the Middle East & North Africa
WITNESS and PILnet answer questions on the past and future of video as evidence, and how their collaboration on the Video As Evidence in the Middle East & North Africa report came about.
February 22, 2018
Last Month In Video: From Rio to Catalonia and beyond
From Facebook's recent algorithm change to eyewitnesses capturing footage of police helicopters shooting into neighborhoods in Rio, and Catalonia's Skype president, here is Last Month in Video, January 2018 edition.
Dalila Mujagic
February 16, 2018
Last Month In Video: 2017, a year of extremes
Video had a big role to play in 2017. From YouTube takedowns to fake news, police bodycams to a historic ICC arrest warrant, here's our last year in video review.
January 25, 2018
Video as Evidence and the Arab Spring: Seven Years On
In 2011, video helped spark a movement across the Middle East and North Africa after the first shaky videos were uploaded to the internet by citizen journalists and activists. Today the importance of documentation remains constant—but faces new challenges. WITNESS reflects on the Arab Spring, 7 years on and looking forward.
Raja Althaibani
January 23, 2018
Last Month in Video: September 2017
From Rio to Cairo's Mashrou' Leila concert and a Utah nurse's refusal to an unconstitutional blood draw, we review September 2017 in human rights video.
October 10, 2017
Vital Human Rights Evidence in Syria is Disappearing from YouTube
Thousands of videos showing human rights abuses in Syria, as well as the channels that feature these videos, are being removed by YouTube.
August 30, 2017
Keep fighting; keep filming
This month marks three years since Eric Garner was murdered by the NYPD. This month, Black Lives Matter turned four years old. And this month marked four years since a jury of almost all white women acquitted the man who killed Trayvon Martin of second-degree murder. Racism in the United States has been forced out […]
July 25, 2017
#EyesOnICE: Legal Issues and Security when filming Immigration Officials
Resources and responses to questions around filming Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) safely, ethically, and effectively.
Pali Makam
July 3, 2017
Can video bring down impunity?
WITNESS joins TRIAL International for a training on fighting impunity by using video to prosecute international crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Dalila Mujagic
June 8, 2017
Recording Resistance
We interviewed British filmmaker Max Stahl about his role in documenting and preserving footage of the Santa Cruz Massacre, and how his visual account helped propel Timor-Leste back into the world spotlight.
Meghana Bahar
November 11, 2016
Community-led First Responders Use Video to Document Police Abuse
Earlier this summer Jackie Zammuto traveled to St. Louis, MO to work with the First Responders, a group of activists trained to document police violence in their community.
Jackie Zammuto
August 3, 2016
Video Forces Military to Apologize for Torture in Mexico
Thanks to a video circulating online, the Secretary of National Defense in Mexico publicly apologized for an incident of torture for the first time in the nation's history.
Jackie Zammuto
April 21, 2016
Brazil: Middle School Students take Government to Commission for Violence During Protests
Young Brazilian students used video to document police abuse during protests to keep their schools open. Recently, they took their videos and their case to the Interamerican Commission for Human Rights and scored a big win for students across the country.
Priscila Néri
April 20, 2016
Video as evidence in Brazil: New study by Article 19 and WITNESS shows potential is huge but untapped
Videos as legal evidence help ensure justice in human rights cases, but the potential is still untapped in Brazil.
Priscila Néri
December 10, 2015