• A Peek Behind the Digital Curtain – Discussing YouTube’s Take Down Policy As my colleagues Sameer Padania, Priscila Néri and Chris Michael who worked on The Hub can attest, curating online video is difficult to say the least. While considering questions on ethics, revictimization, consent, dignity, and security, the Hub staff at WITNESS aimed to highlight relevant human rights-related video that, at times, contained disturbing or very graphic imagery (see the example of the Neda video from Iran: 'A Woman Dies on Camera - To Post or Not to Post?') . Matisse Bustos Hawkes June 2, 2010
  • Egypt videos back up at the Hub As I mentioned in my last post, a number of the Egypt police brutality videos at the Hub had been embedded from Wael Abbas’ YouTube account.  When his account was suspended, these videos on the Hub (and everywhere else they were embedded) stopped playing.  We’ve now managed to restore some of the key videos, and […] WITNESS December 2, 2007
  • Wael Abbas’ YouTube channel suspended [UPDATED – 29 Nov 07] News just in from Hossam El-Hamalawy…: I’ve just received the following message from blogger and friend Wael Abbas… disaster: youtube disables my account claiming there were complaints about my police torture videos!!! This is un-bloody-believable. YouTube has just disabled probably the most important channel for the Egyptian blogosphere. Wael’s videos have been central in the […] WITNESS November 22, 2007