This past year we’ve seen powerful stories of activists in Brazil, Cambodia, India and Mexico, rising up to defend their communities from being forcibly evicted. But with 15 million people facing forced eviction every year, there is still a lot of work to be done.

To support this work, WITNESS and Amnesty International have released a Forced Evictions Advocacy Toolkit, a multimedia resource for activists, social movements and communities fighting evictions.
From outlining the obligations of governments to sharing videos that help foster debate and inspire mobilization, the Toolkit provides critical resources to support the efforts of those advocating against forced evictions locally and globally, as well as those working to raise awareness on the issue.
WHAT is in the Toolkit?
- VIDEO: “Evict Them! In Five Easy Steps” is a satirical animation and effective attention grabber that shows how governments and corporations often behave when forcibly evicting a community. It can be a great way to spark debate and introduce the issue. Available in Ar, En, Es, Fr, It, Km, Pt, Ro, Th, Vi. (2 min) Read more.
- VIDEO: “People Before Profit” brings together stories of forced evictions from 11 countries and highlights the common patterns of violations that occur before, during and after evictions. It also features the brave resistance of affected communities rising up to defend their rights. Screen it in meetings or debates to help communities locate their struggles within a global context, learn from each others’ experiences and build solidarity. Available in Ar, Ca, Es, Fr, Ht, It, Po, Ro, Sw, Tr, Zh. (11 min) Read more.
- TIP SHEET: “How to Film Forced Evictions” provides quick tips on safely and successfully filming a forced eviction. It can be used to effectively prepare community leaders, legal observers and advocates that may use video to document unlawful evictions. Available in Ar, En, Es, Fr, It, Po, Ro.
- GUIDE: “How Video Can Support Your Forced Evictions Campaign” features best practices and practical examples of different ways video can help strengthen your campaign’s actions, meetings and events. Available in Ar, En, Es, Fr, It, Po, Ro.
- GUIDE: “Forced Evictions: Know Your Rights” is a straightforward list of the key components of the right to housing. Useful for communities and advocates interested in using human rights principles and frameworks to protect their rights. Available in Ar, Es, Fr, Zh.
- GUIDE: “Know Your Obligations: A Guide to Preventing Forced Evictions” is aimed at public officials, this guide outlines government’s’ responsibilities to uphold international human rights standards by providing practical guidance on the main measures that must be undertaken when planning development projects that may lead to evictions. Available in Ar, Es, Fr, Ro, Zh.
If you are interested in translating any of the resources, please get in touch with me at jackie [at]
WHERE is the Toolkit?
The full Toolkit is available for free download at:
There are also a limited number of DVDs available, please email me at jackie [at] with requests.
SHARE the Toolkit!
Consider hosting a screening or showing the videos at your next campaign meeting or event. Hand out the guides and tip sheet during an upcoming solidarity action, or share these resources with your networks by mentioning the Toolkit in your next newsletter or blog post.
TELL us what you think!
Let us know how you are using the Toolkit. Share pictures of your screenings or events on Facebook or on Twitter @witnessorg. Help us improve the Toolkit by filling out this short survey.
VAMOS FAZER ALGO, assinem a peticao contra as demolicoes fora da lei e violacoes de direitos humanos. Os responsaveis tem que dialogar !!!
Read and Sign the petition !
If you have suggestions how to improve this petition, don´t resitate to contact me.