We’re launching a couple of new series this week on the blog. (If you missed the first in our Video Advocacy Example series, you can read it here.)
This new series will feature links to videos that we are sharing or are brought to our attention via social media, especially Twitter (you can notify us of examples by using the hashtag #video4change). Please check them out and as always, we welcome your thoughts, discussion, ideas in the comments section below.
- Our Archivist, Grace Lile, called attention to an amazing discovery among archives in Benghazi, Libya: “Footage of infamous 1984 execution under Gaddafi unearthed http://t.co/6pmGUTe via @guardian #archives”
- Ricky Cortez, our IT Coordinator sent out this call to participate in the making of an advocacy video: “Be in the next video by @CourageCampaign to repeal #DOMA! Submit a photo with a sign on why you want DOMA repealed! http://t.co/CjlXUNL“
- Managing Director, Jenni Wolfson shared a link to reports that provide new paradigms to evaluate the impact of documentaries with a message: “Definitely worth a read. Special Report: How films can change the world http://bit.ly/nDgpCP #video4change“