Children share a future threatened by climate change, and many have found ways to make their voices heard. The youth of the TRUST Campaign have told their stories in a remarkable series of short videos, and they’ve taken action in the court.
And now they’re asking you to join them. Our partners at Our Children’s Trust are hosting a Letter-writing Campaign to President Obama, and youth are asking you to add your voice. Read on for details.
The TRUST youth have demanded action from the government, bringing legal action at the state and federal level to protect their constitutional right to a clean and healthy atmosphere. They have inspired action in classrooms and youth groups, talking to tomorrow’s youth activists. And they want you to join them.
Full instructions are available here, but these 3 steps cover it:

- Explain how climate change is going to impact your future.
- Put that message in a letter, drawing, or video to President Obama.
- Win a prize! If you are one of the first people to get a response, you’ll win a trip to Washington, D.C., an iPad and solar charger, or another prize.
Every letter addressed to the President is read by someone, and some are even read by President Obama himself. Every single night, President Obama reads letters that people like you write to him. And one of those letters could be yours.
You don’t need to be old enough to vote to be old enough to make a difference. Jaime Lynne Butler, an 11-year-old from Arizona, wrote six times to President Obama and he wrote back. Youth are some of the most excited and informed people, and letters let them make their voices heard.
You also don’t need to be a youth to join this campaign. Your letters carry weight, and there’s a separate set of prizes for adults. Here’s my favorite letter that I have written to President Obama; it gives you a snapshot into what happens in a climate change courtroom.
These letters don’t need to be long (like mine) or filled with facts. They should be simple and heartfelt. You do not need a big education, a powerful job, or a famous name. All you need is a future on this planet. You can write a letter yourself to be part of the contest, or you can always write one together with your friends.
No single voice, even shouting as loud as it can, is as powerful as the voices of many people calling for change together.
So speak up. Write a letter, and let us know you did in the comments below.
Kelly Matheson is Program Manager at WITNESS. She leads our work on preventing human trafficking in the U.S. and environmental justice through the TRUST Campaign.