Uso del video para la defensa del territorio en México
En agosto un grupo de medios libres se reunieron en Amilcingo, Mexico para intercambiar herramientas de comunicación y información sobre video para el cambio social para la defensa de la tierra, territorio y recursos naturales.
Laura Salas
November 6, 2014
This Week on the Human Rights Channel: Syria, Mexico, Honduras
Images and first person accounts from Syrian refugees, a Mexican student who survived a deadly police attack, and Honduran villagers evicted from their homes.
October 8, 2014
!Bienvenid@s a Video para el Cambio América Latina y el Caribe!
Herramientas y materiales para video activistas que se encuentren en riesgo o en situaciones que requieran una respuesta inmediata.
Laura Salas
April 14, 2014
Human Rights Video Weekly: Brazil, Papua New Guinea, and Mexico
From the Papua New Guinean police force, to the heart of Mexico's cartel territory, to the occupied favelas of Rio de Janeiro, we share recent citizen videos from these locations and more.
April 1, 2014
The Cost of A Border Surge? 5,000 Dead and Counting
A new documentary shows the human cost of immigration through the stories of migrants' remains found in the Sonoran desert, and through those who work to identify them.
August 23, 2013
Victims of the Latin American War on Drugs Make the Case for Reform
Latin American drug policies have made no dent in the drug trade; instead they have taken a tremendous toll on human lives. In 2009, the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and the Transnational Institute (TNI) embarked on an ambitious project to document the real impact of Latin America’s “war on drugs” and to show its human cost through the video testimoniesof the victims themselves.
November 10, 2012
Mexico: Peoples’ Tribunal Confirms “Gross Violations” in Dam Projects
Communities harmed by dam projects in Mexico won an important victory. A panel of international experts serving as judges for the Mexico chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT) recognized a pattern of "gross and systematic human rights violations" in the construction of dams throughout Mexico over the past 40 years. More than 185,000 people have been forcibly evicted.
Priscila Néri
November 9, 2012
Dam-Affected Communities in Mexico Take Government to Peoples’ Tribunal
On November 5-6, many of our local partners fighting forced evictions in Mexico will travel to the small town of Temacapulín, in Jalisco state, to tell their stories to an international panel of judges representing the Mexico chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT).
Priscila Néri
November 2, 2012
Major Victory for Activists Fighting the La Parota Dam in Mexico
After nearly 10 years of campaigning to save their homes and lands, our partners from the CECOP network in Mexico are celebrating a significant victory on the path to the definitive cancellation of the La Parota dam project. If built, the dam would forcibly evict at least 25,000 campesinos and small farmers from their lands and negatively impact an additional 75,000 people due to environmental changes downstream and throughout the region.
Priscila Néri
October 4, 2012
People Before Profit: New Video on Global Forced Evictions
New video People Before Profit – bringing communities across the world together to tell the global story of forced evictions. WITNESS has supported forced evictions campaigns for more than 10 years. During this time, these projects have amplified the voices of communities across the world. For World Habitat Day we are bringing many of these voices together for the first time to tell another story.
September 27, 2012
Mexico Partners Use Video to Pressure Governor, Influence Media, Document Protests
A few weeks ago, I met our forced evictions campaign partners in Mexico and we traveled together to Temacapulín, a small community in the mountains of Jalisco state that has been fighting its own eviction for several years due to the construction of the El Zapotillo Dam.
Priscila Néri
December 2, 2011
World Habitat Day Is About People: Their Struggles, Their Strategies
As I shared in an earlier post, Global Networks Unite on Forced Evictions, WITNESS, our partner the Habitat International Coalition and 6 other networks working on housing and land rights have organized World Habitat Days - six weeks (16 September - 31 October) to bring attention and activism to forced evictions, land grabbing and activists at risk.
October 3, 2011
Video Advocacy Example: ‘Yo Me Declaro’ Campaign for Human Rights Defenders
In the human rights world we often talk about HRDs or 'human rights defenders' - but this is more than just an an acronym or a piece of jargon. Human rights defenders of every type play a key role in protecting, promoting and upholding the human rights of all of us. And they're not just the people who work in NGOs like WITNESS or our partners.
Sam Gregory
July 28, 2011
Act Now to Stop the Eviction of 25,000 People in Mexico
Our partners in Guerrero, Mexico, need your help. For the past eight years, they have been fighting to defend their homes and communities against the threat posed by the planned construction of a new megadam in the region. If built, the La Parota Dam would displace at least 25,000 people from their lands and negatively impact an additional 75,000 people.
Priscila Néri
May 27, 2011
Stopping the Construction of a Dam to Prevent Your Home from Being Flooded
The roughly 300 families that live in Temacapulín – a tiny town nestled between four green hills along the Verde River in the state of Jalisco, Mexico – have been fighting against big odds for the past five years for the basic right to stay in their homes.
Priscila Néri
April 12, 2011