Why YouTube’s Blurring Tool Matters and Why Other Platforms Should Have One Too
We discuss why visual anonymity is important for protecting activists using video for change & look at YouTube's newly improved blurring functionality.
Sam Gregory
February 25, 2016
New Online Resource Focuses on Activist Safety and Preventing Arrest in Iran
We speak with United for Iran about their new resource "Safe Activism," a guide for Iranian activists on how to avoid or minimize the impact of an arrest.
November 17, 2015
Documenting Violations in Burkina Faso During the 2015 Coup
Following the September coup in Burkina Faso, WITNESS worked with Burkinabe movements to distribute resources on documenting human rights violations.
October 30, 2015
Announcing WITNESS’ Ethical Guidelines for Using Eyewitness Footage in Human Rights
Deciding if and how to share human rights footage taken by eyewitnesses is rarely simple. A new resource offers guidance on applying ethical principles to this new form of documentation.
October 28, 2015
Mobil-Eyes Us: Using Live Video and the Power of Networks for Smart Activism
How can we use the power of live video to connect people to the causes they care about, & provide immediate & meaningful ways to act by using their skills?
Sam Gregory
October 12, 2015
See, Hear… Act?: Co-Present Storytelling and Action
How can emerging tech tools like live-streaming or task routing apps be used to connect communities of support with activists on the ground in real time?
Sam Gregory
October 9, 2015
Women, Mothers, Activists
Itzel Farias from the Mexican collective Porteando por la Paz [Babywearing for Peace] discusses how she used video to share her message of activism.
Jackie Zammuto
October 8, 2015
How-to: Controlling Depth of Field with DSLR Cameras (Video)
DSLR cameras are increasingly popular amongst activists. In our new video we cover the basics of depth of field on DSLRs when filming for human rights.
Ryan Kautz
October 1, 2015
Dispatch from Brazil: If killed by police, guilty by default … unless there’s video?
Every year thousands of people in Brazil are murdered by the police, yet only 0.8% of the cases are ever investigated or brought to justice.
Priscila Néri
September 4, 2015
The Audiovisual in Latin America: Decolonizing the Frame
Laura Salas, regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, reports back on the recent regional Video for Change convening in Mexico.
Laura Salas
September 1, 2015
You captured police abuse on video. Now what?
Before sharing a video of police abuse online, it's important to pause and consider how to release it in a safe, ethical and strategic way.
Jackie Zammuto
August 27, 2015
Public Space and Video Projections: A Conversation with The Illuminator Art Collective
The Illuminator Art Collective shares how video projection can be used as part of protests and civic movements as well as practical tips and lessons-learned on how to set up and a run video projection set-up.
March 16, 2015
Women Counter Gender-Based Violence with Video in Latin America
As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we highlight the stories of those using video in creative ways to combat gender-based violence in Latin America.
Laura Salas
March 11, 2015
Creating a Movement to Just Say No to the War on Drugs
Eugene Jarecki's documentary takes on the US' war on drugs, calling for a shift in public perception and policy around drug use. This is the final in our interview series with the 2014 BritDoc Impact Award winners.
Matisse Bustos Hawkes
January 16, 2015
Documenting Rio’s Resistance: Interview with ‘State of Exception’ Director Jason O’Hara
In his new film Canadian documentary filmmaker Jason O’Hara takes on forced evictions and mega-events, working collaboratively with Rio’s communities to tell stories of resistance and document human rights abuses since 2010.
January 9, 2015