- Land rights violations in India meet continued resistance In the dark hours of the night, police forcefully entered two Indian villages, in the name of "development". 6 people were seriously injured; 50 were arbitrarily detained; and 1 was arrested. Here's what we can do.
- Dam-Affected Communities in Mexico Take Government to Peoples’ Tribunal On November 5-6, many of our local partners fighting forced evictions in Mexico will travel to the small town of Temacapulín, in Jalisco state, to tell their stories to an international panel of judges representing the Mexico chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT).
- Stopping the Construction of a Dam to Prevent Your Home from Being Flooded The roughly 300 families that live in Temacapulín – a tiny town nestled between four green hills along the Verde River in the state of Jalisco, Mexico – have been fighting against big odds for the past five years for the basic right to stay in their homes.
- Mexico Training on Forced Evictions A quick update from the WITNESS training in Mexico City in association with the Habitat International Coalition (HIC)- Latin America. We've been holed-up for nine days solid in a convent (cheap, good food, peaceful atmosphere, nightly curfew) training a range of human rights defenders either from or working with communities whose rights are being compromised or violated by dam mega-projects.
- Today is World Habitat Day For the month of October, in conjunction with the Housing and Land Rights Day (World Habitat Day) on 04 October and our global campaign, WITNESS will feature advocacy videos used around the world in campaigns against forced evictions in the name of development.
- Outsourcing our food: “Land grabs” and the food on your plate This week the World Bank is hosting an online consultation with global civil society based on its controversial report released last week: “Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can It Yield Sustainable and Equitable Results?"