- Human Rights Video Weekly: Turkey, South Korea, Nigeria, and South Africa In Turkey, South Korea, and Nigeria citizens are taking to the streets demanding more government action on safety issues- from workplace safety to disaster relief.
- This Week in Human Rights Video: Police Torture in Bahrain and Why Brazilians are Protesting This month's Citizen Watch also includes: violence in Guinea, a raid on a prominent human rights organization in Russia, and disturbing reports of chemical weapons used in Syria.
- How Activists Can Use Vine To Reach a Global Audience in 6 Seconds Activists are using the mobile app Vine from Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro, but is their footage getting seen? We share 5 tips that can improve the reach and visibility of these short, dynamic videos.
- This Week in Human Rights Video: Protests in Brazil, Turkey and Bulgaria Over the last week, the Human Rights Channel featured videos of cost of living protests in Sao Paolo, the start of the hurricane season in Haiti, and the crackdown on Gezi Park, all from the citizen's perspective.
- 10 Tips for Filming Protests – Turkish Version Now Featuring Images An image-based version of our "10 Tips for Filming Protests" in Turkish
- Protestolarda Video Çekimi Nasıl Yapılır Değişim İçin Bir Video Kılavuzu A Turkish-language guide to filming protests.
- #DirenGeziParkı: Protesto Çekimleri için 10 Taktik Protesto Cekimleri Rehberi - Turkish language guide with 10 Tips for Filming Protests, Demonstrations and Police Conduct
- Turkey for the People, Filmed by the People As the #OccupyGezi protests have surged, Turkish mainstream media has foundered. Citizen journalists--"sivil gazeteci," in Turkish--have stepped in. This is what they've shown us.
- For Their Movement, Turks Turn to Twitter & YouTube As the Prime Minister and the press dismiss their movement, Turkish protesters raise their cameras and their voices.
- Learning From Innovations In The ‘Highrise’ Project: 360 Degree Filming and More Last week, the National Film Board of Canada launched 'Out My Window' an interactive exploration of highrise living around the world including 360° (degree) filming and immersive tapestries of audio stories and photographs from Havana to Toronto, Phnom Penh to Istanbul. It is part of a larger exploratory film project called "Highrise."